Organic Products For Kids

With all that we do throughout the day to keep our children safe, we don't realize that chemicals in our everyday products like shampoos and lotions may actually be hurting them! It's Simple. The future will be about everything natural and definitely organic. Why? Because it's better for our overall mind, body and health. Ingredients are the core of every product you buy and are the more important reason than what the product does or how the bottle is designed. These ingredients should be looked at very closely before being purchased. Using only 100% natural ingredients and organic whenever possible is a must, especially for our children.

Most shampoos are filled with dyes, fragrances, cheap ingredients, unnecessary fillers, and even controversial preservatives. Take a look at the label on your childs' shampoo next time you are giving them a bath or washing their hair. Did you know?? Approximately 75% of what is put onto our skin is absorbed into the bloodstream. Most people don't realize that we are faced with chemicals everyday when we walk outside our homes, adding to that with products that we purchase, doesn't make a lot of sense. Organic and natural really just means simple, real ingredients that you can pronounce and because it takes a little more time and thought to make these products, the price is usually a little higher. Try to understand, that the more we buy these products, the less they will eventually cost.

Now you and your child can have all the benefits of the finest healing botanicals and essential oils from the earth very inexpensively! Simple and pure, the way it's supposed to be. We have been on the search for kids organics that are also affordable and we have found them, they are now available, so there are no excuses to not live healthier.

Stars like Halle Barry, Marcia Cross, Jessica Alba, Selma Hayek, Gwen Stefani, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez, Katie Holmes, Courtney Cox, Angelina Jolie and Matthew McConaughey all use organic products for themselves and their children, why don't you?

For more information on organic products visit: For more information on the organic kids products mentioned above, visit:

Written By: Cristina Pierce

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An Organic Lifestyle-What Does That Mean?

What does it mean to live an organic lifestyle? We have organic products staring us in the face everywhere we go now. I was walking down the street in New York City just yesterday and I saw a clothing store with windows full of organic clothing. The definition of an organic lifestyle is simple, healthful and close to nature. People are choosing to live more simply today, by surrounding themselves with healthful products that enable them prolong their lifespan.

What we mostly see is organic food hitting the shelves of our local grocery stores. Most people don't know what it means and why it is a bit more expensive. I would like to clear up that confusion by explaining to you exactly what makes organic food organic, so the next time you are food shopping you will know exactly what you are probably walking away from.

The United States Department of Agriculture defines organic food as that which is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Thus "organic" refers to a specific set of standards used throughout the entire process of food production. Simply stated: organic food is cultivated without the use of artificial pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers.

To live a healthy lifestyle is to live an organic lifestyle because putting all natural products into your body will only help you live longer. It is believed that if consumers really knew how many chemicals were within the food that they serve their families each day, they would make dramatic changes in what they purchased at the grocery store. The main topic of conversation with food is to stop eating processed food. These foods are the ready to eat prepared foods that you find on the shelves in the grocery stores. In order to prolong the life of the food, preservatives are used, which are usually hard to pronounce. Most people live by the rule; if you can't pronounce it, don't eat it, because it can't be good for you. Simply, preparing your own foods with fresh, organic products is the way to go.

Food is not the only product in the marketplace offering up the organic way of life. Everything from clothes to body lotions to skincare is now organic. There are liquid hand soaps that allow your skin to drink in the age old benefits of self-heal herbs, known for their soothing and antiseptic properties. Spearmint, sage and lemongrass uplift the senses, while self-heal infusion promotes healthy looking skin. Also the use of shea butter, spearmint and sage - heavenly aromatic - are perfect for hands and body.

There are even organic diaper rash creams that can also be used as burn treatments available now. These truly are the best products available and continue to get rave reviews. Being completely natural and organic, they work immediately and are the most safest and effective.

Your pets can benefit from organic shampoos and flea treatments that work naturally to keep their coat shiny and clean. There are special insect repelling blends of cedar and citronella essential oils in a liquid shampoo that is specially formulated and contains no deet.

There is also organic meditation furniture available for your home that is made of woven renewable sea grass on a sturdy mango wood frame. Getting into the practice of reusing materials rather than cutting down healthy trees is becoming more common.

Knowing that what you're putting into your body, onto your body and surrounding yourself with, makes for a more peaceful way of living. You will not only feel better, you will look better and there is nothing like the feeling of knowing you are making a difference in your future.

For more information on an organic way of life and for products available to live a healthy lifestyle visit:

Written By: Cristina Pierce

Article Source:

8 Flat Belly Foods

Super Foods For A Flat Belly & Good Health

We all want a flat stomach and sometimes doing sit-ups just isn't enough. Here are some power foods that will fill your belly, but will let you look sexy in that bathing suit.

1. Tomatoes

The reason why tomatoes are so good for you is because they are packed with the anitoxidant, lycopene which can decrease your risk of bladder, lung, prostate, breast, skin and stomach cancers, as well as reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. Try to eat 22mg of lycopene a day which is equal to 8 cherry tomatoes or a glass of tomato juice. Other foods full of lycopene are red watermelon, pink grapefruit and papaya.

2. Yogurt

This cultured food helps boost your immune system, provides protection against cancer and even does duty as a cavity fighter. Not all yogurts are the same. Make sure the label says "live and active cultures". Also keep an eye on high fructose corn syrup, those sugars are worth avoiding. Cottage cheese is a good substitute if you don't care for yogurt.

3. Spinach

This muscle builder is a rich source of plant-based omega-3's and folate, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis. Try to eat 1 cup of fresh or a 1/2 cup of cooked daily. Hint: spinach is really good in omelets and on pizza. Kale, bok choy and romaine lettuce are also good substitutes.


Most red, orange and yellow vegetables and fruits contain carotenoids which are fat soluable compounds that are associated with a reduction in a wide range of cancers, as well as a reduced risk of inflammatory conditions such as asthma and arthritis. Aim for a 1/2 cup a day. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, butternut squash, yellow bell peppers and mangos are also good substitutes.

5. Blueberries

Contain more antioxidants than any other North American fruit helping to prevent cancer, diabetes and age related memory changes. Studies show that blueberries, which are rich in fiber and vitamins A and C, also boost cardiovascular health. Try to eat 1 cup of fresh blueberries a day or a 1/2 cup of frozen or dried.

6. Black Beans

All beans are good for you, but none can boost brain power like black beans. Why? Because they are full of anthocyanins which are antioxidant compounds that have been shown to improve brain function. A 1/2 cup a day provides 8 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber. They are also low in calories and free of saturated fat. What a great food!! Try making a black bean dip with onions, red peppers, salsa, tomatoes and chili poweder, so good.

7. Walnuts

Did you know that walnuts are richer in Omega-3 than salmon? And are loaded with more anti-inflammatory polyphenols than red wine and are full of protein? These nuts are considered a superfood. No other nut contains all 3 of these features. About 1 ounce or 7 nuts often will keep you at bay from temptations and keep your appetite in check.

8. Oats

Packed with soluble fiber which lowers the risk of heart disease. Yes, they do contain carbs, but that is ok. The release of those sugars is slowed by the fiber and because they also contain 10 grams of protein per 1/2 cup serving, they deliver muscle-friendly energy. Granolas and cereals are your best bet, but make sure you take a look at the nutritional information to ensure at least 5 grams of fiber per serving, if not more. Fiber One is a great pick as it contains 14 grams of fiber per serving.

Energy Foods

What should I eat to have more energy?

Here's a list of natural foods that will provide your body with energy and stamina:

Grapes - Grapes have lots of magnesium, which converts into energy. Grapes are easy to carry around and make great snacks.

Oats - Oats are loaded with nutrients that aid in alertness and concentration. A bowl of oatmeal in the morning is a good start to the day.

Mung Beans - These crunchy sprouts are good on salads, in soups or eaten right out of the bag.

Yams/Squash - Yams are packed with vitamin C. They also help balance hormones and blood sugar levels. Squash promotes healthy circulation and good digestion.

Grains - Grains like millet, buckwheat, rye, barley and wheat contain healthy B vitamins and contribute to a steady flow of energy.

Sprouts - Any type of sprout that has been germinated is good for revitalizing the body. They also contain antioxidants, protein, trace minerals and fiber.

Peaches - Peaches are great for a quick boost of energy, as well as, helping the body eliminate toxins and regulate bowel movements.

Vegetables - Fresh vegetables (especially green ones) contain a range of energizing B vitamins, iron and magnesium. The best of these are: broccoli, spinach, and asparagus.

Wheat Grass - Wheatgrass is chock full of nutrients, in fact, it contains 25 times the nutrients of vegetables. Many people drink shots of wheatgrass juice as a general health booster. You can also find it in powder form.

Sunflower Seeds - Crunchy, nutty and plentiful, sunflower seeds are rich in protein, iron, vitamin B, zinc and magnesium

Carrots and Your Health

How Carrots Can Help You Live Healthier
By:Janet Martin

Aside from being the favorite food of Bugs Bunny and having orange color, you probably do not know a lot about carrots. Did you know that the carrots used to be red, white, green, purple and even yellow during the ancient times? How it turned to orange is something that is not known by a lot of people.

Do not belittle the lowly carrot. This crunchy vegetable is actually packed with vitamins and nutrients that protect your eyesight and minimize your risk from developing heart problems and some types of cancer. In fact, if you nibble on a whole carrot everyday, you won't need Vitamin A supplements anymore. To know more about the benefits of carrots and to learn how to get most out of this vegetable, continue reading.

It's In The Color

Be thankful that present carrots are orange. Beta-carotene, which is the substance that makes this vegetable orange, is actually the one responsible for the health and nutritional benefits of carrots. Beta-carotene is a potent antioxidant that is known to help reduce the damages caused by free radicals, which are compounds that are linked to increased risk of macular degeneration, premature aging and development of certain diseases, such as heart diseases and cancer.

According to clinical studies, the more one consumes antioxidants, the less likely it is for him or her to die from certain types of cancer. The combination of Beta-carotene and Vitamin C is very potent in reducing incidence of cancer by 37%, this is based on a study conducted by researchers from the School of Public Health from the University of Texas. On the other hand, some studies also show that people who have low levels of Beta-carotene are more prone to cancer, particularly in the lungs and stomach.

Aside from Beta-carotene, carrots also contain Alpha-carotene, another antioxidant that is also believed to protect the cells from damages caused by free radicals. A study made by the National Cancer Institute has found that lung cancer is more prevalent in men who do not have appropriate levels of Alpha-carotene in their bodies.

Vision Mission

Besides neutralizing the effects of free radicals, Beta-carotene is also responsible for improving your vision by converting itself into Vitamin A. This vitamin strengthens eye health by creating rhodopsin, a purplish pigment that your eyes need for sharpening your night vision. Individuals who do not have enough rhodopsin in the body are more prone to suffering from night blindness. Thus, you need to eat a lot of carrots to make sure that you can drive properly at night and can see well even when it is dark.

How To Get The Most From Carrots

First, you need to eat carrots with a little bit of fat. According to Dr. John Edman, a PhD holder in nutritional sciences, Beta-carotene needs some fat in order to reach your intestines. Thus, it may be a wise idea to eat your carrot sticks with some dressing.

In most cases, it would be better to eat vegetables raw instead of cooking them. As for carrots, however, it may be a good idea to cook them to make it easier for the body to absorb Beta-carotene. However, do not overcook your carrots because the nutrients will uselessly evaporate. But in case you did cook your carrots for too long, do not feel bad. You can still get the benefits from the vegetable by using the cooking water in making dips, sauces, and soup base.

MLA Style Citation:
Martin, Janet "How Carrots Can Help You Live Healthier." How Carrots Can Help You Live Healthier. 23 Sep. 2008. 29 Sep 2008

Brain Foods Increase Memory, Alertness, Mood and Energy Levels

By: Paul Crantz
We know that the foods we eat affect the body. But they may have even more of an influence on how the brain works—and levels of energy and how it handles its tasks. Mood, motivation and mental performance are powerfully influenced by diet. There are certain foods and or nutrients that make a huge difference in how we live and perform throughout our daily lives.The brain is an extremely active organ, metabolically speaking, and as such tends to be very picky and demanding when it comes to eating. While it may be used to and demand junk food, for instance, it Needs foods that are high in certain fatty acids for optimal brain health. The health of your brain depends not only on how much (or little) fat you eat but on what kind it is. Intellectual performance requires the specific type of fat found most commonly in fish, known as Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 is found in certain fish oils, mostly from the salmon species in fresh water and the oily salt water types such as sardines, extremely rich in omega 3's, tuna, mackerel and others, to name a few.Omega 3's are critical to the outer layers of brain cells, through which all nerve signals must pass. Also, as learning and memory create new connections between nerve cells, new membrane cells must be formed to contain these connections. A good analogy might be adding ram to your computers motherboard. Anyhow, omega 3 is crucial to these brain components.
It's possible to boost alertness, memory and stress resistance by supplying food components that are found in important brain neurotransmitters. One of them is choline, the fat-like B vitamin found in eggs. Choline has been found to improve memory and reaction time functions in people, especially the aging population. Also, choline has been proven to increase endurance in athletes, especially runners. Here are some other brain boosters, all readily available...Sugar can make you sharp—although no one can figure out what is the right dose at the right time. Carbohydrates are also effective, especially when eaten with no protein or fat, may also be mentally soothing. Peanut butter is a good example and works for me when I need a quick pick me upper. Then, there's chocolate! Chocolate has been shown to increase endorphins, opiate like chemicals secreted by the nervous system that stimulate feelings of pleasure and well being. Now I know why I'm addicted to anything chocolate.There is a huge amount of information available on brain metabolism, but following a diet rich in omega 3 is a solid proven foundation for anyone to start with. Bon appetit'.MLA Style Citation:Crantz, Paul "Brain Foods Increase Memory, Alertness, Mood and Energy Levels." Brain Foods Increase Memory, Alertness, Mood and Energy Levels. 8 May. 2007.